Radio FM Stations United Kingdom Online is a free application in which the user can listen to the majority of stations of this country, with a very simple interface for the use of any user.
Once the application is open you will only have to select the FM radio station that most interests you, once the station is selected, it will be played.
It should be noted that for a correct operation should be in areas of good coverage or Wifi because they are transmitted through the Internet.
Enjoy the main English radio broadcasters in addition to structured stations in the different regions: music, events, news, sports, football matches, weather
We name the different stations you can listen to:
Serenade Radio
Team Rock
Radio Magic Fm 105.4 London
Absolute 80s Radio
French Radio London
Fun Radio UK
Capital Xtra London
Solar Radio UK
Sheffield Live
BBC Radio 1-Xtra
BBC Radio World Service Uk
Talk Sport UK
Sunshine Radio UK
Manx Radio UK
The Breeze 107. 4 Fm
Kiss 100 Fm London
Radio Caroline UK
Absolute Radio UK
Rinse Fm 106.8
Smooth Radio 102.2 Fm
Heart Radio 106.2 Fm
Radio X 104.9 Fm
Capital Fm UK
Classic Fm Uk
Planet Rock UK
Absolute Classic Rock
BBC Radio Asian Network
BBC Radio World Service
BBC Radio 5 Live
BBC Radio 4
BBC Radio 3
BBC Radio 2
BBC Radio 1
BBC London 94.9 Fm London
Bang Radio 103.6 Fm London
Gaydio Radio
Colourful Radio London
Heart London 106.2 Fm London
LBC 97.3 Fm London
BBC Cambridgeshire
Radio Future 107.8 Fm Norwich
In2beats 106.5 Fm Bedfordshire
Cam 97.2 Fm Cambridge
Cambridge 105 Cambridge
BBC Three Counties Radio Luton
Radio Oak Fm 107 Leicestershire
Radio Erewash Sound Fm 96.8 Derbyshire
BBC Radio Derby Fm 104.5 Derby
Capital Fm Derby Shire 102.8 Derby
Heart 106 Fm Nottingham
Radio Faza Fm 97.1 Nottingham
Heart Tyne And Wear 101-102 Fm
BBC Newcastle Fm 95.4 Newcastle
Metro Radio Fm 97.1 Newcastle
Capital Fm 10 Middlesbrough
Metro Radio 2 1152 Am Newcastle
Radio Tyneside 1575 Am Newcastle
Absolute Radio 1215 Lisburn
BBC Radio- 1 Northern Ireland 99.7 Belfast
BBC Radio 2 90.1 Belfast
BBB Radio 3 92.3 Belfast
BBC Radio 4 96.0 Belfast
BBC Radio 5 Live 909 Lisburn
Rinse Fm 106.8 Fm
Amazing Radio
Lbc 97.3 Fm
Radio Hayes 91.8 Fm Hayes
Sven Radio Uxbridge
Radi Northwick Park 945 Harrow
Oldham Community Radio Fm 99.7 Oldham
All Fm 96.9 Manchester
BBC Lancashire Fm Winter Hill
BBC Manchester - Saddleworth
Bolton Fm 96.5 Bolton
Canalsides Thread Radio
BBC Radio Berkshire Fm 95.4 Berkshire
BBC Kent Fm 96.7 Kent
BBC Surrey Fm 104.6 Guildford
Heart Fm 102 9.97 Berkshire
Radio Reverb Fm 97.2 Brighton
Radio Heart Sussex Fm 102.4 Brighton
Absolute Radio 1215 Aberdeen
BBC Radio 2 88.7 Oldmeldrum
BBC Radio Scotland 92.6 Knockmore
BBC Radio 3 90.9 Oldmeldrum
BBC Radio 4 95.3 Oldmeldrum
BBC Radio 5 Live 693 Oldmeldrum
BBC Rradio GloucestersHire Berkeley Heath
Bristol Community Fm 93.2 Bristol
The Breeze Fm 107.9 Bath
Heart 103 Fm Bath
Heart GloucestersHire 102.4 Stroud
Heart Somerset 102.6 Mendip
Bro Radio 98.1 Barry
BBC Radio Wales 103.9 Cardiff
Radio Cardiff 98.7 Cardiff
Heart Fm South Wales 105-106 Fm
Vectis Radio Newport
Xpress Radio 106.2 Cardiff
Big City Radio 89.1 Birmingham
BBC Coventry And Warwickshire Ccoventry
BBC Stoke 104.1 Fm Stoke
BBC Wm 95.6 Fm Birmingham
Capital Fm 102.2 Birmingham
Heart West Midlands Fm-100.7 Birmingham
Dearne Fm 102.0 Barnsley
BBC Radio York 103.7 York
Minster Fm-104.7 York
Capital Fm-Yorkshire East 105 Hull
Radio Aire 2 828 Am Leeds
BBC Leeds Fm 92.4 Leeds
And many more....
With this application you can listen to your favorite stations anywhere in the world, the second tab of our app shows the different regions, when you access the different radio stations within that region, we list the regions that are Show in our UK radio app:
City of London
East of England
East Midlands
North East England
Northern Ireland
Greater London
North West England
South East England
South West England
West Midlands
Yorkshire and The Humber
Main Stations
Enjoy the application !!
Radio Stasiun FM United Kingdom Online adalah sebuah aplikasi gratis di mana pengguna dapat mendengarkan mayoritas stasiun negeri ini, dengan antarmuka yang sangat sederhana untuk penggunaan setiap pengguna.
Setelah aplikasi terbuka Anda hanya harus memilih stasiun radio FM yang paling yang anda, setelah stasiun yang dipilih, akan dimainkan.
Perlu dicatat bahwa untuk operasi yang benar harus di daerah cakupan yang baik atau Wifi karena mereka ditransmisikan melalui Internet.
Nikmati penyiar radio Inggris utama selain stasiun terstruktur di daerah yang berbeda: musik, peristiwa, berita, olahraga, pertandingan sepak bola, cuaca
Kami nama stasiun yang berbeda Anda dapat mendengarkan:
Serenade Radio
tim Batu
Radio Sihir Fm 105,4 London
Mutlak 80-an Radio
French Radio London
Fun Radio UK
Modal Xtra London
Surya Radio UK
Sheffield Hidup
BBC Radio 1-Xtra
BBC Radio World Service Uk
Bicara Sport UK
Sinar matahari Radio UK
Manx Radio UK
The Breeze 107. 4 Fm
Mencium 100 Fm London
Radio Caroline UK
Absolute Radio UK
Bilas Fm 106,8
Halus Radio 102,2 Fm
Jantung Radio 106,2 Fm
Radio X 104,9 Fm
Capital Fm UK
Klasik Fm Uk
Planet Batu UK
Absolute Rock Klasik
BBC Radio Jaringan Asia
BBC Radio World Service
BBC Radio 5 Live
BBC Radio 4
BBC Radio 3
BBC Radio 2
BBC Radio 1
BBC London 94,9 Fm London
Bang Radio 103,6 Fm London
Gaydio Radio
Colorful Radio London
Jantung London 106,2 Fm London
LBC 97,3 Fm London
BBC Cambridgeshire
Radio Masa Depan 107,8 Fm Norwich
In2beats 106,5 Fm Bedfordshire
Cam 97,2 Fm Cambridge
Cambridge 105 Cambridge
BBC Radio Tiga County Luton
Radio Oak Fm 107 Leicestershire
Radio Erewash Suara Fm 96,8 Derbyshire
BBC Radio Derby Fm 104,5 Derby
Capital Fm Derby Shire 102,8 Derby
Jantung 106 Fm Nottingham
Radio Faza Fm 97,1 Nottingham
Jantung Tyne Dan Wear 101-102 Fm
BBC Newcastle Fm 95,4 Newcastle
Metro Radio Fm 97,1 Newcastle
Capital Fm 10 Middlesbrough
Metro Radio 2 1152 Am Newcastle
Radio Tyneside 1575 Am Newcastle
Absolute Radio 1215 Lisburn
BBC radio 1 Irlandia Utara 99,7 Belfast
BBC Radio 2 90,1 Belfast
BBB Radio 3 92,3 Belfast
BBC Radio 4 96,0 Belfast
BBC Radio 5 Live 909 Lisburn
Bilas Fm 106,8 Fm
menakjubkan Radio
Lbc 97,3 Fm
Radio Hayes 91,8 Fm Hayes
Sven Radio Uxbridge
Radi Taman Northwick 945 Harrow
Oldham Komunitas Radio Fm 99,7 Oldham
Semua Fm 96,9 Manchester
BBC Lancashire Fm Musim Dingin Bukit
BBC Manchester - Saddleworth
Bolton Fm 96,5 Bolton
Canalsides Thread Radio
BBC Radio Berkshire Fm 95,4 Berkshire
BBC Kent Fm 96,7 Kent
BBC Surrey Fm 104,6 Guildford
Hati Fm 102 9,97 Berkshire
Radio Reverb Fm 97,2 Brighton
Radio Jantung Sussex Fm 102,4 Brighton
Absolute Radio 1215 Aberdeen
BBC Radio 2 88.7 Oldmeldrum
BBC Radio Skotlandia 92,6 Knockmore
BBC Radio 3 90,9 Oldmeldrum
BBC Radio 4 95,3 Oldmeldrum
BBC Radio 5 Live 693 Oldmeldrum
BBC Rradio Gloucestershire Berkeley Heath
Bristol Community Fm 93,2 Bristol
The Breeze Fm 107.9 Bath
Jantung 103 Fm Bath
Hati Gloucestershire 102,4 Stroud
Jantung Somerset 102.6 Mendip
Bro Radio 98,1 Barry
BBC Radio Wales 103,9 Cardiff
Radio Cardiff 98,7 Cardiff
Hati Fm South Wales 105-106 Fm
Vectis Radio Newport
Xpress Radio 106.2 Cardiff
Big City Radio 89,1 Birmingham
BBC Coventry Dan Warwickshire Ccoventry
BBC Stoke 104,1 Fm Stoke
BBC Wm 95,6 Fm Birmingham
Capital Fm 102,2 Birmingham
Hati West Midlands Fm-100,7 Birmingham
Dearne Fm 102,0 Barnsley
BBC Radio York 103,7 York
Minster Fm-104,7 York
Capital Fm-Yorkshire Timur 105 Hull
Radio Aire 2 828 Am Leeds
BBC Leeds Fm 92,4 Leeds
Dan masih banyak lagi....
Dengan aplikasi ini Anda dapat mendengarkan stasiun favorit Anda di manapun di dunia, tab kedua aplikasi kami menunjukkan berbagai daerah, saat Anda mengakses stasiun radio yang berbeda dalam wilayah itu, kita daftar daerah yang Show di app radio UK kami:
Kota London
East of England
East Midlands
North East England
Irlandia Utara
Greater London
North West England
South East England
South West England
West Midlands
Yorkshire dan Humber
Stasiun utama
Nikmati aplikasi !!